Teaching Your Child Good Oral Hygiene Habits

These everyday habits could improve your child's oral health.

The key to maintaining healthy smiles in your children is to teach them good oral hygiene practices while they are young. After all, these habits will carry with them throughout childhood and into adulthood. Our South Miami, FL, board-certified pediatric dentists, Dr. Mario Martinez and Dr. Rebecca Lenard, know that it will be easier to get your child to brush and floss if you make it more interactive and fun.

Here are some tips to keep your child’s smile healthy:

Make sure they are drinking water

Many kids simply don't drink enough water! If you want to support healthy teeth and gums, you’ll want to keep your child hydrated. A rule of thumb is to make sure your child is drinking as many 8-ounce glasses of water a day as their age. For example, if your child is five years old, they should be drinking five, 8-ounce glasses of water daily. Active children may also require more water. Drinking water is chock full of fluoride, which can also keep teeth strong and prevent cavities from forming.

Brush twice a day

Make sure that you are brushing your child’s teeth at least twice a day, for a minimum of two minutes each time. In the beginning, you’re going to have to brush their teeth for them until they are able to do this themselves; however, you can also use this time to educate them on proper brushing techniques, so that when it comes time for them to brush their own teeth, they already well equipped for the task. If you have questions about how to brush your child’s teeth or the right tools for the job, don’t hesitate to ask your South Miami, FL, Pediatric dentist.

Snack in moderation

It is important that your child is receiving all the vital nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. Of course, snacking too much throughout the day can increase plaque buildup, which can also increase your child’s risk for cavities. Therefore, limit snacking to 2-3 times a day, and avoid sugar-laden, processed snacks like gummy bears and potato chips. Instead, opt for smile-friendly choices such as apples, hummus, yogurt, and raw veggies.

Visit the dentist

While our South Miami, FL, practice is temporarily closed due to coronavirus, our pediatricians can still provide emergency care for children dealing with serious and urgent matters. Just call South Miami Pediatric Dental Associates at (305) 666-2068. Keep practicing these oral hygiene habits together as a family to keep dental problems at bay.